Wednesday 21 October 2020

Essence of Navaratri: Day 5: Skandamata


Every day we discuss the importance of each day of Navaratri as per graphology. Today is the 5th Day of the festival and it is the day of Skandamata. She is the fifth form of Navdurga.  It is said in Hindu scriptures that she is the mother of Lord Karthikeya. The avatar of Navdurga is depicted as riding a lion along with her son. She signifies the qualities like skilful, courage and compassion.   

Those qualities are important for mankind in many ways. According to Graphology, The combination of all those traits are seen in blind persistent personalities. You might be thinking blind persistence is not a positive trait but, it is a bestow for some, especially, who are into the research field and desirable for a leader, warrior, or salesperson.

This personality is highly persistent and they never give up regardless of obstacles while most of the people give up. The qualities are seen in the handwriting  (from the letter “t”) of popular personalities, those who have been very successful in their endeavours and overcoming impossible odds.  More or less all we need those traits to achieve our life goals.   

Grapho-therapy is a magical tool to change the personality and mindset of any person. Why I am saying Magical tool because who has experienced the power of the tool they agree with the effectiveness of it. Let’s pray to this form of Mother Divine, we are bestowed with the qualities of skill along with innocence, and courage along with compassion with help of the Graphotherapist, Mr. Rajesh Kothari.

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