Tuesday 20 October 2020

Essence of Navaratri: Day 4: Kushmanda

Today is the fourth day of Navaratri and it is the day to worship the fourth incarnation of Nav-Durga, Kushmanda. As per Mythology, it is said that Kushmanda has created the universe. While, as per graphology, she is the creator of the whole universe, she teaches us the importance of creativity. Let’s see why creativity is essential?

You might think creativity is only important to artists and designers. But, the reality is that any person on the earth needs creativity regardless of age and profession. Right from the household chores to running a business, if we have creativity trait, we definitely get the best outcome. 

How to check the presence of creativity in any person? In Graphology, creativity is a blend of various traits like the fluidity of thought and a specific thought process that is cumulative thinker. You may read the article on creativity which is published in Australia. From that, you can get in-depth detail about it. 

Similarly, if someone is seeking creativity and want to improve it. How one can do that? The most easiest and efficient tool is Grapho-therapy because it creates a new neuro-pathway and dilutes the unwanted neuro-pathway. Even more, if you want to work on all of your traits then Graphological handwriting improvement coaching is the ideal choice because it covers all the alphabets. 

Kushmanda goddess has the energy of creativity, today, by worshiping her let’s get the creative energy. Graphologist has the ability to improve the trait and even addition of the trait. Take an appointment today!

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