Thursday 21 May 2020

Revive Physical Energy with Handwriting

Currently, due to COVID19 pandemic sports facilities, clubs, gyms and even gardens are not accessible. Many are not doing any physical exercise or activity. Some people have chosen alternate sources while some are still kept on blaming the situation and live a sedentary lifestyle. They have become a couch potato because they just switching 3” screen to 60” screen. In the long run, a such lifestyle may lead to an increase in the level of obesity and even invites a lot of diseases and illnesses.

What is Physical energy?

The energy of our body which makes us capable enough to do any kind of activity is physical energy. The definition of being physically energetic may vary from person to person [ According to age and profession]. You may think physical energy is related to physical fitness and it’s a matter of age. There are indeed many people who are active even in/after the ’60s and many youngsters who are feeling tired all the time.

Check the level of physical energy:

The level of physical energy can be check through handwriting analysis. Yes, the physical energy of any person reveals his or her handwriting. An expert handwriting analyst will check the lower zone of the handwriting. The size of the lower zone as compared to the middle zone, the size of the middle zone, the shape of the loop, absence of lower loop, pressure and many other things show the physical energy of any person. Through the handwriting analysis (Graphology), a handwriting expert can say whether the person has enough level of physical energy or not and the person like/do physical activity or not.

The solution is Grapho-therapy:

It is an amazing tool to revive physical energy by doing a regular handwriting practice. Grapho-therapist match the level of physical energy with a person’s profession and personality. For instance, a football player and a chess player do not require an equal amount of physical energy. You have been read in my blog that how grapho-therapy is useful to overcome negative traits and introduce positive traits.

Don’t wait for the normal situation, get an active and energetic life with Grapho-therapy.

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