Saturday 18 April 2020

Do you fade up with your negative thoughts? Crash Negative thoughts with Grapho-therapy

I know, most of the people are facing a common issue that is Negative thoughts due to current situation of lockdown and self-isolation. Especially, person who are in home quarantine or isolated in hospitals. I agree that the situation is like that which drives us towards Negativity.

People are idle in these days hence, unsurprisingly, they think negative; worrying about unpredictable future, reiterating unwanted past events and focusing on painful period of own life. I am sure many people tried or forced their mind to stop thinking.

Well, mind doesn’t have any switch that you turn off and automatically, thoughts will shut down. But, if you give a command to your mind, you might be experienced failure.

Negative or unwanted thoughts can detach you from present moment, distract you from focusing on what’s important. Even more, it leads to anxiety and drain your energy. While, in some cases, it can even create situation of chronic depression and suicide.

If you are rid of your negative thoughts or not sure that do you have such kind of problem or not, you need not to think on it nor visit any expensive counselor. What you have to do it just write two pieces of paper and send it to Mr.Kothari, an handwriting expert. Based on your handwriting he can tell you the reality about you. You may lie to yourself but, your handwriting never lies.

After confirming that you are having problem of negative thoughts, Mr.Kothari will guide you how to overcome the negative thoughts with the help of Grapho-therapy, Handwriting practice. But, for that you need to give a commitment to yourself for regularity in writing exercise without fail. Because, without your regular exercise you will never get the result.

Don’t spoil the time in Negative thought. Enjoy the precious time with your family. Stay home Stay safe.

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