Saturday 24 October 2020

The essence of Navaratri: Day 9: Siddhidhatri


The last day of the nine days of the festival is the day of Siddhidhatri. The ninth form of navdurga gives blessings of capabilities to do everything perfectly and achieve “siddhis” in life. 

It is said in mythology, “siddhi” means fulfilment of your need even before your desire. In short, it is like luck. You get something without any struggles or efforts. The goddess gives such a blessing to get siddhi.

As per graphology, perfection is the most desirable trait that can bring siddhi in our life automatically and also fulfilment and totality in every sphere of life.  Whatever you do in your life, if you perform it with perfection and accuracy you will defiantly get success and fulfilment.

 How to check whether do you have perfection or not? Handwriting analysis is a tool of a handwriting expert to identify the trait though the baseline of handwriting and even some more elements of handwriting.

 Perfection is a key to success in many fields. The professionals like doctors, there is no scope of imperfection. If they do any error it is life-threatening for some. So it is really important to have it. Don’t feel left out. Grapho-therapist is here to bring perfection to your life. Just a few modifications in your existing handwriting can do wonders.

 Take blessings of Navdurga and start working on your handwriting to get siddhis in your life. 

The essence of Navaratri: Day 8: MahaGauri

The eighth day of Navaratri is a day to worship the eighth avatar of Goddess Durga named Mahagauri. Yesterday,in the previous blog, we have seen the most ferocious form of Navdurga, Kaalratri, while in contrast, today we will see clam and compassionate form of Navdurga.

The Hindi term “Gauri” means white which represents purity and that arises out of innocence. The term “Gau” means knowledge and intelligence. Mahagauri goddess describes brilliance which brings wisdom. Wisdom and innocence are key elixirs of a successful life.

Everyone on this earth wants to have intelligence. Am I right? As per my experience and being a graphologist, I can say that an independent thinker has wisdom. An Independent thinker is one of the types of personalities. Some have single while some have multiple types of thinking patterns. It is helpful to know the type of personality that helps to choose the career, choose a life partner or a business partner. Take the help of an expert graphologist, Mr.Rajesh Kothari, to get the guidance of the most crucial decision of your life.

 It is also believed that Maa Mahagauri, the goddess gives relief from all the woes. The same way Graphotherpay is the tool to get relief from all the negative traits through just some change is handwriting. That’s why we say,

“Change your handwriting, change your life”


Thursday 22 October 2020

The essence of Navaratri: Day 7: Kaalaratri

 The seventh day of this auspicious Navaratri festival is dedicated to the most furious form of Navdurga, goddess Kaalaratri. She is portrayed to have a dark complexion and her appearance itself evokes fear.

 The 7th-day avatar of the Hindu goddess Durga defines the deepest rest to accomplish dynamism. The term “Kaal” means time and “Ratri” means night that gives absolute rest at all the levels (body, mind and soul). As a result, a person can attain dynamism. 

As per the science of handwriting, dynamism is a blend of various traits like self-esteem, optimism, enthusiasm and self- reliance. Dynamism is the strength of any person, when a person has the mentioned traits, the person can drive their life easier and achieve their targets of personal as well as professional.

 Many people think that “How would I know my traits?” The easiest way to identify your strengths and flaws is Handwriting analysis. But, after knowing yourself, what is the next step? Only knowing yourself will not give you the desired results but, you have to work on your negativity.

 As the avatar of goddess Durga, the violent mother nature, depicts that everyone has a darker side of life and she destroys ignorance and removes darkness. The same way Grapho-therapy works on firstly on the negativity of any person and it automatically shines the personality of the person. After that, the addition of missing traits can be possible.  

Click here to contact the expert graphologist, Mr, Rajesh Kothari and take an appointment today!

Wednesday 21 October 2020

The essence of Navaratri: Day 6: Kathyayini


During the nine days of the festival, Navratri, nine forms of Goddess Durga is worshipped. The sixth avatar of NavDurga is Katyayani and she is worshipped on the sixth day of the Navaratri.

 As per Hindu scripture, it is believed, Katyayani goddess is one of the most violent forms of Maa Durga. At the same time, she also signifies finer qualities of being in a relationship and the values of sharing and caring that is the nurturing aspect of the Divine Mother.

 As per graphology, the values of sharing and caring are the most essential traits to maintain a healthy relationship. It is said that “Man is a social animal “ and we all are seeking a healthy relationship with our friends and family because they are the strength of our life. 

How to build a healthy relationship? Many of you have attended several workshops and read about it. But, how much you can follow the given suggestions? Can you change your behaviour? No..right? The reason is your behaviour works on your subconscious mind. It is not in your control.

 Friendliness and fluidity of thought are the pillars of a healthy relationship that can analyze through the curves of alphabets in Graphology. Even, grapho-therapy changes your mind-sets and behaviour by just changing the way you write because handwriting affects your subconscious mind.

 Want to know more? Read the blog on friendliness and understand how does handwriting science helps you.  Take the help of a handwriting expert, Mr.Rajesh Kothari to improve your interpersonal skill.

Essence of Navaratri: Day 5: Skandamata


Every day we discuss the importance of each day of Navaratri as per graphology. Today is the 5th Day of the festival and it is the day of Skandamata. She is the fifth form of Navdurga.  It is said in Hindu scriptures that she is the mother of Lord Karthikeya. The avatar of Navdurga is depicted as riding a lion along with her son. She signifies the qualities like skilful, courage and compassion.   

Those qualities are important for mankind in many ways. According to Graphology, The combination of all those traits are seen in blind persistent personalities. You might be thinking blind persistence is not a positive trait but, it is a bestow for some, especially, who are into the research field and desirable for a leader, warrior, or salesperson.

This personality is highly persistent and they never give up regardless of obstacles while most of the people give up. The qualities are seen in the handwriting  (from the letter “t”) of popular personalities, those who have been very successful in their endeavours and overcoming impossible odds.  More or less all we need those traits to achieve our life goals.   

Grapho-therapy is a magical tool to change the personality and mindset of any person. Why I am saying Magical tool because who has experienced the power of the tool they agree with the effectiveness of it. Let’s pray to this form of Mother Divine, we are bestowed with the qualities of skill along with innocence, and courage along with compassion with help of the Graphotherapist, Mr. Rajesh Kothari.

Tuesday 20 October 2020

Essence of Navaratri: Day 4: Kushmanda

Today is the fourth day of Navaratri and it is the day to worship the fourth incarnation of Nav-Durga, Kushmanda. As per Mythology, it is said that Kushmanda has created the universe. While, as per graphology, she is the creator of the whole universe, she teaches us the importance of creativity. Let’s see why creativity is essential?

You might think creativity is only important to artists and designers. But, the reality is that any person on the earth needs creativity regardless of age and profession. Right from the household chores to running a business, if we have creativity trait, we definitely get the best outcome. 

How to check the presence of creativity in any person? In Graphology, creativity is a blend of various traits like the fluidity of thought and a specific thought process that is cumulative thinker. You may read the article on creativity which is published in Australia. From that, you can get in-depth detail about it. 

Similarly, if someone is seeking creativity and want to improve it. How one can do that? The most easiest and efficient tool is Grapho-therapy because it creates a new neuro-pathway and dilutes the unwanted neuro-pathway. Even more, if you want to work on all of your traits then Graphological handwriting improvement coaching is the ideal choice because it covers all the alphabets. 

Kushmanda goddess has the energy of creativity, today, by worshiping her let’s get the creative energy. Graphologist has the ability to improve the trait and even addition of the trait. Take an appointment today!

Monday 19 October 2020

Essence of Navaratri: Day 3:  Chandraghanta

Today is the 3rd day of the nine nights festival and this day is dedicated to the 3rd form of the divine mother, Chandraghanta. The avatar of NavDurga is named a combination of  two terms “Chandra” (the moon) and “Ghanta” ( a bell). Chandraghanta maa represents the importance of our mind's alertness.  Let’s see How is it?

The moon relates to our mind and thought as the moon waxes and wanes, our thoughts also go sometimes up and sometimes down. While the bell, Ghanta - an instrument, represents the alertness as its sound makes our mind alert. This way blessing of the form of Navdurga gives us the ability to control our control with alertness.

How much you are alert while performing any task? Don’t know? Then, don’t worry, the science of handwriting helps you to check your level of alertness through analyzing your handwriting. As per graphologists, Alertness of mind can be seen in analytical thinkers, one of the thought processes of humans.

How much is it easy to control your mind and do any task with full alertness? Not easy right!! First, let’s see, Why is it important to have the trait alertness? When the abilities of alertness and dedication rise, then the efficiency of the mind improves and that improves one’s personality. Grapho-therapy is the most effective tool to control your mind and improve the alertness gradually as you do regular writing practice which is suggested by Grapho-therapist.

This Navaratri, Shine like a moon by taking the blessing of Maa Chandraghata and taking the guidance of an expert Graphologist, Mr.Rajesh Kothari.