Friday 28 August 2020

Ganesha Symbolism Day 7: Broken Tusk


Day 7:

As you know, Ganesha has two tusks. In the previous blog, we have covered the right one tusk. Today, on the 7th day of the Ganesh Festival, we will talk about left tusk which is broken. What does it represent? It denotes High self-esteem.

Ganesha is trying to express that accept yourself even with your weaknesses and love yourself. His broken tusk is a minor defect and every individual has some defects and that we have to accept. If we do not accept then how others will accept it. Hence, accept yourself whatever you are. When you accept yourself you give respect to yourself. 


Why High self-esteem is important?

High self-esteem is having a strong trust in their own calibre. Indeed, high self-esteem is one of the vital traits to boost the confidence level and positivity. It helps to lead the life, empowers them to take risks in their life and helps to come out from any difficult situation like the current pandemic situation. 


How to check the level of self-esteem?

 Can you know someone’s traits and personality without asking any question? Handwriting analyst, Mr.Rajesh Kothari, reveals the true self-esteem level of any person through handwriting. There are several factors to be considered but, the most important is the letter “t” and zones of letters which represent the trait. 


How to improve self-esteem?

Grapho-therapy is the way to uplift the positive traits like self-esteem and dilute the negative traits. Yes, it’s true. A person can change his/her personality through just some modification in the handwriting suggested by Grapho-therapist. 


That’s why we say “change your handwriting change your life.”


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