Monday 31 August 2020

Ganesha Symbolism Day 10: Uneaten Modak


Day 10:

Today is the last day of the Ganesha Festival, it’s time to say goodbye to Lord Ganesha indeed, and it’s tough to say but pray him to come again soon next year. Before that, let’s understand the significance of Ganeshji’s favourite sweet food “Modak”. Have you observed that there is a plate of uneaten "modak" in front of Ganesha? Although he loves it, still he keeps it uneaten. 


Modak signifies material object and we need materialistic objects at a certain level, over materialism is always harmful to us. Hence, Ganesha teaches us to avoid it.  

What is materialism? 

Many people on this earth, work only to possess material objects which can only get through money. They work round the clock and their life revolves around the money and materialistic objects like properties, cars, bigger sized luxurious homes, expensive latest gadgets and fashionable appeals and end numbers of things. They don’t have satisfaction whatever they have and always want something more. Once you own one thing then you need superior to that and the cycles go on and on. It shows over materialism. 


What is the best way to check the love of materials?

Basically, it is a person’s mindset which decides how much the person has love to materialistic objects that can easily judge by the handwriting analysis. The way you write certain alphabets says the truth about the person that helps to take life’s crucial decisions like choosing a life partner.


How to control the materialism?

Extreme possessiveness of materials may mislead our life. People sometimes become blind and they just ruin their life to satisfy the thirst of materialism, which is impossible. To control the materialism, Grapho-therapy is an effective tool. 


Experience the difference try grapho-therapy to change your life.


Sunday 30 August 2020

Ganesha Symbolism Day 9: Arms


Day 9:

In Ganesha’s “swarp”, form; there are generally four or more arms. Today, on the 9th Day of the festive, we will cover the arms of Lord Ganesha. We are not going into mythology, but, we will talk about Graphology, the science of handwriting. As per Graphology, Ganeshji’s arms express the physical energy, which is the most vital trait for any human being. Indeed, Ganesha is infinite source of energy.  

Are you feel tired or feel energetic? 

 “I am tired so much.” “I am completely exhausted.” Do the sentences associate with you or your family members? When a person is kept on complaining like this almost every day, then it is a matter of issue. Have you been feeling tired almost every day without any extra work? If yes, then it shows your lower physical energy. 


Is it possible to check the physical energy?

The level of physical energy can be check through handwriting analysis. Yes, the physical energy of any person reveals his or her handwriting. An expert handwriting analyst,Mr.Rajesh Kothari, checks the lower zone of the handwriting. This analysis may help in recruiting any candidate, selecting the life partner and career guidance of any person. You can read my article and my blog on physical energy. 


How to improve the level of physical energy?

I have an amazing tool to boost up physical energy even with just a small effort. Grapho-therapy is the tool that helps a person to revive his/ her physical energy by doing the regular practice of given handwriting practice.




Ganesha Symbolism Day 5: Trunk


On the fifth day of the festival, We will talk about Ganapati's the most unique feature that is a long and flexible trunk. His long trunk has high efficiency and even so flexible that can do any work. Ganeshji’s long trunk signifies adaptability and high efficiency that is essential to be successful in any venture


What is the significance of adaptability?

Adaptability is one of the important traits which most people are seeking. When you are into completely in a new environment, it is obvious that you feel a little discomfort. And sometimes, it takes lots of time to adjust in the alien environment because we are lacking adaptability. For example, students (school or college) may experience when they go to a new school or college. Similarly, when you migrate to another city or country what do you feel? Do you easily adjust or find yourself difficult to adjust? If you have the traits, you can easily accept the situation and mould yourself accordingly.


How is your efficiency?

High or low? Indeed, every person on this earth wants to improve work efficiency and expect others to do so. Do you have any solution? How to improve it? 



Being a Graphologist, I must say I have a fantastic tool to boost your efficiency and even improve adaptability. That is Grapho-therapy. Yes, handwriting helps to improve your positive traits and change the mind-set. You might have both the traits but, because of the presence of some negative traits you are not getting a positive outcome. Grapho-therapy is fist work on those negative traits and dilutes it. And gradually enhance the overall personality. 



Ganesha Symbolism Day 8: Big Belly


Day 8:

Ganesha is also known as “Lambodaray”, a Sanskrit term which means who has a big belly. The most iconic feature of Ganesha is his large rotund belly. On the 8th day of the Ganesha festival, we understand what does it signify and what we have to adopt. 

The big belly is a symbol of keeping secrets, but it must be at a certain level. Indeed, it is truly said that everything should be in limit, too much or too little of anything is bad. The same implies to the trait, secretive nature. 

 Why is advisable to be secretive at a certain level?

In general, being secretive has two aspects. One is when you don’t keep secrets wisely then you are considered as an unfaithful person. Even sometimes, you have to keep some secrets while talking to your near and dear ones (friends and family members) because, if you start saying everything to everyone then you can predict the outcome. 

  However, on the other side, in some relations like a life partner, you must be transparent. Here you should not keep secrets. Hence, the right about of secretive nature is important to have.  

 How to check the level of the trait?

Graphology is the best tool to identify any person’s traits and personality. Many companies choose the tool before selecting any candidate as the loss of trade secrets is the biggest threat for them. Similarly, this tool can be helpful for many in various ways, personal or professional.   

 There are many people, who could not keep secrets and they sometimes could not maintain their respect in society. With the use of grapho-therapy one can change the nature and polish their personality.  

Friday 28 August 2020

Ganesha Symbolism Day 7: Broken Tusk


Day 7:

As you know, Ganesha has two tusks. In the previous blog, we have covered the right one tusk. Today, on the 7th day of the Ganesh Festival, we will talk about left tusk which is broken. What does it represent? It denotes High self-esteem.

Ganesha is trying to express that accept yourself even with your weaknesses and love yourself. His broken tusk is a minor defect and every individual has some defects and that we have to accept. If we do not accept then how others will accept it. Hence, accept yourself whatever you are. When you accept yourself you give respect to yourself. 


Why High self-esteem is important?

High self-esteem is having a strong trust in their own calibre. Indeed, high self-esteem is one of the vital traits to boost the confidence level and positivity. It helps to lead the life, empowers them to take risks in their life and helps to come out from any difficult situation like the current pandemic situation. 


How to check the level of self-esteem?

 Can you know someone’s traits and personality without asking any question? Handwriting analyst, Mr.Rajesh Kothari, reveals the true self-esteem level of any person through handwriting. There are several factors to be considered but, the most important is the letter “t” and zones of letters which represent the trait. 


How to improve self-esteem?

Grapho-therapy is the way to uplift the positive traits like self-esteem and dilute the negative traits. Yes, it’s true. A person can change his/her personality through just some modification in the handwriting suggested by Grapho-therapist. 


That’s why we say “change your handwriting change your life.”


Thursday 27 August 2020

Ganesha Symbolism Day 6: Tusk

Ganesha has two tusks both denote the two different aspects of life. Today is the 6 th day of the Ganesha festival and we are going to discuss 6 th trait which expresses through his right Tusk.


The right tusk represents a positive attitude that helps to retain the positivity and mitigate the negativity.  


What is the significance of a positive approach?

Currently, in this pandemic, everyone is sailing in the same boat, people are struggling with different types of issues like financial, medical, unpredictable future, unemployment, business loss and many more. However, it is, indeed, important to think positively to keep yourself agile and motivate to keep going. I know it’s really hard to think positively when their planning goes wrong. Now, what is the solution?


Before the solution, ask a question to yourself.



If your answer is half glass empty then you need to change your mind set. 


 The solution is Grapho-therapy

Yes, it’s true that grapho-therapy can easily change the mind-set of any person. Mr.Rajesh Kothari, an expert Grapho-therapist first dilutes your negative traits and then enhances or adds positive traits like optimism, self-esteem, confidence, mental strength and many more. It is proven you can see the testimonials on the website even want to know more, you can read the articles which is published in Indusage, Australia's magazine. When your prospect towards your life is changed then you feel optimistic, energetic and even helps to clear obstacles of life.

Indeed, Ganeshji is also known as “Vighnaharta”, But, Ganesha will not come to remove the obstacles of your life until you tried to do.   


Tuesday 25 August 2020

Ganesha Symbolism Day 4: Mouth


Each body part of Ganesha signifies the various traits of mankind. Today, we will talk about the mouth of Ganesha; represents the ability to communicate. Introvert and extrovert are traits and based on that make the personality of any person.

Introvert personality: 

Those are less talkative and a little shy. Consequently, normally they experience struggle to convey their thoughts and even unable to communicate effectively, ultimately the behaviour may affect their social life whether is it a matter of professional life or personal life.

Extrovert personality:

While in contrast, extrovert personalities are talkative, socially active and friendly. They could communicate easily and mingle quickly.

Which personality is best for you?

Well, the answer is that it completely depends on an individual’s professional. For example, the professions in which the person has to work with or for people (such as receptionist, any manager, sales executive, teachers, customer care executive and many more) need an extrovert personality. While extrovert personalities are beneficial for scientists, accountants, quality check executives, programme developers and so on. A person has to have the ability to communicate effectively to sustain in this cut-throat competition.

How to check the personality type?

The easiest way to identify any person’s personality is Handwriting analysis (Graphology) because, without asking any question and even without meeting any person just from his/her handwriting you can know the personality with help of an expert Graphologist, Mr.Rajesh Kothari. After knowing the personality, a person can take crucial decisions of life like career, life- partner, business partner and even develop the personality.

How to change the personality?

Grapho-therapy is an effective way to change personality. Handwriting practice suggested by Grapho-therapist change the neuropathway which brings changes in your personality

Communicate with us and develop your communication power.


Monday 24 August 2020

Ganesha Symbolism Day 3: Ears


In my previous blogs, we have covered Ganeshji’s head and eyes which represent intelligence and Focus, two key traits of every individual.


Today is the 3rd Day of the Ganesha Festivals and we are going to talk about Ganesha’s large-sized ears. It symbolizes the ability to listen to everything very carefully.

Do we listen or hear?

Every day we hear so many things like calls, news, radio, music, videos, conversation, lectures and many more. But among them how much we can memorize? How much we go into the detail? Of course, all the information coming from any of the sources is not important, but what about the important one? 

What is the significance of the skill of listening?

To understand and to store any information the listening ability is very important. We could not do any work without listening to the important details carefully. Every individual (any professional and any age group) need good listening ability to finish their work and tasks. Indeed, it is truly said, to be a good speaker one should be a good listener.

How to Be a Good Listener?

A good listener is the one who possesses a great capacity to listen to others and assimilate ideas. You may feel surprised that in many corporate professional training includes the workshop on Active listening. However, the best method to improve the skill is Grapho-therapy, because handwriting is the scientific way to develop the trait.

Listen to the handwriting expert to improve listening ability! 

Sunday 23 August 2020

Ganesha symbolism: Day 2 : Eyes


The second day of the Ganpati Festival and it’s time to discuss the second most important trait. In my previous blog, we had talked about Intelligence.

 Now, after the head, the most attractive feature of Ganesha is his eyes. Have you noticed that why he has captivating tiny eyes? What do the eyes signify? Whenever we see his idol, we always feel that his eyes are trying to communicate something. What is it?

The answer is “Focus”. Small eyes can see everything meticulously which is one of the key positive traits for mankind. If you want to read something which is far from you and that is impossible to read with normal eyes. What do you do in this case? You have to make your eye small as like Ganesha then you enable to read it. Isn’t it?

Why is Focus being so important?

You might be thinking; the focus is only required in studies. But, it’s not true. All the professions, for example, Doctors, sports players, artists, pilots, engineers, drivers, businessmen, even housemakers and many more want to Focus on their activities. If any person is lacking concentration, then he/she unable to finish his/her task error-free. We have seen just because of a lack of concentration any life-threatening accident accrued. The simple routine work also requires ample about of concentration otherwise your life may become a mess. Right or wrong?

How to improve Focus?

If you feel that you could not focus any of your work or mistakes happens because of that then it is advisable to take the appointment of Mr.Rajesh Kothari, a handwriting expert who can analyze your handwriting and suggest some unique handwriting practice. After regular practice, you will feel the difference in your work efficiency and thought process.

You can read the article on Focus which has been already published in Indusage, Australianmagazine to know more.

Saturday 22 August 2020

Ganesha’s symbolism part 1: Head


“OM Ganeshay Namah" Happy Ganesh Chaturthi. 


Every year, we wait for this day, Vinayak Chaturthi, to welcome Lord Ganesha at our home, offices and society. This year, it may not possible for all to do so because of the uncertain Pandemic situation. However, we can pray the Lord with deep faith and take blessings through understand the symbolism of Ganeshji


We celebrate the festival for 10days and we are going to discuss 10 positive traits that Ganeshji portrays through his form (Swarup). 


First Day

Today is the first day of the festival. Let’s begin with the attractive and unique feature of Ganeshji that is his large-sized elephant head. Have you thought that what does it mean? The answer in the Graphological way is that it symbolizes Intelligence, wisdom and understanding. 


Why intelligence is important?

In this highly competitive world, every person needs or wants a sharp brain to sustain and to lead his/her life. Each individual regardless of age and profession has desires and goals in his/her life that can only achieve through intellectual ability. In our life, ups and downs are just part of life, but when we face any problem or challenge, the most important is how we tackle the situation and solve it. That’s the intelligence.  


Myth and fact

Some people believe that intelligence is a matter of god gift. That cannot be developed. Actually, being a graphologist and graphotherapist, I can say that at a certain level person’s intelligence can be lifted and for that Graphotherapy and Graphological handwriting improvement coaching are boon. Certain handwriting practice, suggested by Handwriting Expert, can help to improve intelligence and wisdom. 


So, what are you waiting for? Take an appointmentnow.


Think Handwritingskill, Think intelligent 


Saturday 1 August 2020

Are you a Friendly person or not…? how to improve friendliness?

This week, we have a special day to cherish the best moments with our friends. Well, in the era of Social media, many have a very huge list of friends (virtual or actual ) while some have only countable friends. Why is it so?

The reason is some people have the ability to make friends easily and can mingle with unknown people effortlessly even in the first meeting. It shows a friendly nature. While on the contrary, some people could not understand how to socialize. 

Why is it so important to be a friendly person?

As we all know, “man is a social animal” indeed any person on this earth needs someone to speak, to communicate, to share and several things to do. We, all, have various relationships with different people and have various circles such as friends, colleagues, family, team, neighbours, clubs, groups and many more. To maintain a healthy relationship with all, it is vital for any person to have a friendly nature. 

Why a friendly personality is appreciated? 

In professional or personal life, it is so essential to be a friendly person. Most of the professionals seek the fundamental skill that is Friendly nature which aids them to grab the customers and convert them to in loyal customers. For example Doctors, Hospitality business, receptionist, customer executive, even small shop owner and numerous other professionals. Whenever you visit any place what do you prefer a friendly person or a less-friendly person?

How to improve the friendliness?

To improve any positive trait, friendliness, Grapho-therapy is the best tool because it is a scientific method. Through handwriting, certain handwriting exercises suggested by the certified and expert graphologist, a person’s mind and personality can enhance. The only one thing you have to do is regular handwriting practice and you will get the results.


Get an appointment today and change your personality.