Tuesday 31 March 2020

How to utilize lock down time? Do some Brain-yoga

Nowadays yoga has become so popular in this lockdown/self-isolation and quarantine situation to keep our body fit. But, what about our brain fitness/health? It is scientifically proven that as like our body needs physical exercise to be healthy similarly, our brain needs brain exercise.

Every year, more and more people have faced psychological issues such as high-stress levels, hypertension and depression. Whether it is a routine working day or current scenario of stay at home. I believe most of the people are sailing in the same boat that is a mental disturbance. Why is it so?
The answer is a lifestyle. In this technological era, everything is on our fingertips while in the past, people used to write on a paper. But, currently, there are quite a few people have such a habit. Writing has become a lost skill. 
Do you know? there is a direct connection between writing habit and having stress. Let’s do one exercise, pick up your pen and write your feelings. After the exercise, do you feel relax and calm? That’s the magic of writing skills.  
When we write, we are not writing with only our hands. We are writing with our brain, muscles and nerves. Our nerves act as a wire between hands and brain. A thought is transmitted by electrical impulses through the nervous system and our body. The fingers are only vehicles that put it in writing. 
Handwriting is beneficial in many ways such as improve memory, thought process, lower stress levels and depressive symptoms hence, it is the best exercise for the brain to stimulate the brain cells. It does not only serve as the mean for communication or expressing the thoughts but it improves the function of the human brain.
If anyone feels tensed, low, bad mood or feeling like stuck somewhere and unable to find the right direction. Don’t worry, Mr. Kothari will guide how to come out of the situation. 
Currently, we have sufficient time to utilize it wisely. Let’s do something for Life betterment.

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Business Name: Handwriting Skill Consultaant
Street Address: Lane 19, 439, Satyagrah Chhavani Society,
Satellite Rd. B/H Shivanand Ashram,
Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Connect with me on my: http://www.handwritingskill.com/
Kindly contact me for further details rkothari@handwritingskill.com


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